Did the UK Just Nationalise the Banks?

1 min
April 3, 2020
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Reading that the UK regulators had not only told the banks not to pay dividends, but also, apparently, not to buy back shares or pay cash bonuses to senior staff made us wonder if this was actually a poor taste April fool’s joke. After all, a lot of pensioners rely on the dividend income from the financial sector in times of ludicrously low yields on government debt and cash and many of the shares had already gone ex-dividend (wonder if anybody sold? Hmm). But no, it was the Bank of England threatening that it was “ready to consider use of our supervisory powers” that forced them to make the banks to make co-ordinated announcements. Considering that the Bank itself declared that all the Banks had strong capital and good liquidity, this looks like regulatory over-reach.

In this of course, rather like the decision to lock down the economy, the UK regulator has given in to pressure to follow the Continent after the ECB ordered a freeze on dividend payments last week. Presumably the Swede’s won’t follow?

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The X Factor

This was not about Left versus Right, it was about a generational shift, from the Boomers to Gen X. This will then also move the children of the Boomers - the Millennials - down in favour of the next generation, the Zoomers of Gen Z. The economy and the markets will now shift in line with their traits and behaviours.

Pause, Rewind, Repay

The upcoming Election has been an excuse for markets to hit pause. Experience tells us that the best way to trade the 'reaction' is usually to fade it, as it will reflect pre-positioning around risk and that the initial sell-off or rally is not the start of a new directional trend. We suspect with Hedge Fund 'year end' coming up soon at Thanksgiving that traders will be flattening books, while asset allocators and lo0ng term investors, while perhaps putting some precautionary cash back in to existing trades, will wait for more clarity.

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