Insight - Making Sense of the Narrative

Invest with Market Thinking in a UCITS global equity fund, developed in collaboration with Toscafund, a UK and HK-based specialist investment manager, harnessing the power of behavioural finance through thematics and factor ETFs.


While there was an initial attempt at Sell in May and Go Away, as far as equities were concerned the selling by leveraged retail traders was largely countered by buying on the dips for quality stocks from longer term investors.

With the G7 meeting in the UK coming up next week with a focus entirely on ‘Carbon’ and politicians everywhere seeking to out-compete one another to be ‘greener than thou’ it is probably no coincidence that this week, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet announced they were going to build a ‘new’ type of Nuclear Reactor in Wyoming.

I am delighted to be working with Lawrence Lever and his team over at CityWire in a series of fortnightly pieces on Thematic Investing under the moniker of Market Thinker (a bit of nominative determinism there). The following is by way of an introduction piece and the idea is to discuss Thematic investing in a number of fortnightly articles. Lawrence and the Team have kindly agreed for me to include the full text here on the blog with a lag of a week.

Hot on the heels of our new Thematic slot at CitiWire, we were asked to do one of our semi regular pieces this weekend for the highly regarded Australian publication AFR.

It looks like the ‘don’t trust the dollar’ crowd have switched from Crypto to Gold, which is going up as the others go down., but there are other forces at play.

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