Invest with Market Thinking in a UCITS global equity fund, developed in collaboration with Toscafund, a UK and HK-based specialist investment manager, harnessing the power of behavioural finance through thematics and factor ETFs.
We like to look at markets as being driven by the behaviour of three different groups – the short term speculators, the medium term asset allocators and the longer term investors.
The economist Michael Hudson has a useful expression contrasting the Economic Models of the West with those of emerging Asia as Industrial Capitalism (Asia) versus Financial Capitalism (the West), where the latter is in effect a return to the rentier or landlord class of extractive capitalism.
Sentiment is an important driver of short term markets and with Chinese money being an increasingly significant factor in markets generally, so an understanding of Chinese psychology and sentiment becomes genuinely relevant.
Experts advising Pension Funds have become like SAGE advising the UK government. Using historic computer based models based around some simple prior relationships, they make predictions on which they base their policy advice.
As the second in our series on Build Britain back Better (the first was on Reform of the House of Lords and improving Regional Government, see here) we look at Reforming the BBC. Specifically the opportunity to use the BBC as a public good for the Good of the Public.
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