Invest with Market Thinking in a UCITS global equity fund, developed in collaboration with Toscafund, a UK and HK-based specialist investment manager, harnessing the power of behavioural finance through thematics and factor ETFs.
Is the Glass half empty or half full? It depends on whether you are pouring, or drinking.
In an increasingly uncertain world, people crave reassurance. Unfortunately those appearing to offer certainty and ‘science’ are in many cases fooling themselves along with their customers.
The rollercoaster performance of markets was a baptism of fire for the Model Portfolios we were actively running over the last year and a strong challenge to the concept of Dynamic Asset Allocation (DAA).
This post was originally set to go out on Friday, but we thought it worth digesting the narrative being created over the weekend after the ‘storming’ of the Capitol by Trump supporters.
One of the (few) advantages of getting older is the benefit of experience, if not always wisdom. As such we sometimes spot patterns that are not necessarily picked up by historical graphs or datasets, based on ‘lived experience’.
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