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Insight - Making Sense of the Narrative


The latest Market Thinker piece is up over at CitiWIre. We are looking here at Digital Health as an investment theme.

Having slipped slightly out of synch due to holidsays etc, the latest Market Thinker post is up at CitiWire. In it I look at the ‘early’ theme of robotics and automation, noting how it is shifting from hardware to software with a hat tip to my ex colleagues over at Axa Framlington.

The latest piece for Citiwire was delayed, but is now up at the following link. A fuller piece on the subject will appear in the blog next week as usual.

The second CitiWire piece on Thematic investing is from two weeks ago and was about Investing in Energy, not just the fashionable Clean Energy Sector, but also the old fashioned stuff needed to keep the economy moving.

I am delighted to be working with Lawrence Lever and his team over at CityWire in a series of fortnightly pieces on Thematic Investing under the moniker of Market Thinker (a bit of nominative determinism there). The following is by way of an introduction piece and the idea is to discuss Thematic investing in a number of fortnightly articles. Lawrence and the Team have kindly agreed for me to include the full text here on the blog with a lag of a week.